Arnprior & District Quilters' Guild Newsletter - June 2023
President's Message

Exciting news if you weren't able to make it to May's meeting, I had the pleasure of announcing that Brenda Davidson Payer is now our new Program Executive! She is full of enthusiasm and wonderful ideas for next season, so stay tuned. I hope you will join me in welcoming her as the Programs Executive and offer her your support in the future. You can help her out by volunteering to help with some of the program tasks, sharing any new ideas that may come your way regarding speakers, activities, or workshops that you may like to have in the future.
Thanks to those of you who have put forth ideas in the Suggestion Box for purchase of investments. We have discussed your ideas, they were all good ideas, and at this time the executive has agreed to purchase a portable design wall, an Accuquilt cutter with some dies (which will be available to use at Sew Days), and Brenda and her team will try to schedule some Shops of the Months next season.
Summer is almost here and all good things must come to an end. Besides change is always good, so I must hand over the President's position and let someone else have a chance to lead this great guild. Speaking of which, we are seeking a volunteer for future President. If you have been considering helping our guild, now is the time. Please let us know if you or you and a friend are willing to take on the president's position, We are also looking for someone who wants to get to know how the executive works to volunteer for the Secretary position, it is still available as well. There is an established executive to back you, the executive meetings are via Zoom (no extra travel), and the three winter months are Zoom (no traveling necessary during inclement weather). Just think you could be south in the winter and still attend the meetings and not miss a thing.
Please refer to our Guild Constitution and By-Laws and Executive Position Descriptions documents for more information about the President, and Secretary positions,
Business wise the banking is now all done electronically, membership has online registration, the web site is very well established, business is running smoothly, and we have a healthy budget to go forward into the next two seasons with. There aren't any real challenges at hand this season, so maybe it is a good time for you to take on one of our executive positions. If you would like to discuss these opportunities more please let me know by email
Looking back what wonderful terms I have had as part of the executive team, as Secretary, Charity/Vice-president, then President! It has been full of many great accomplishments and I have had the opportunity to learn a lot about the guild business, our community's charitable needs, and much more. Our guild is made up of genuine, caring, and generous members. Your generosity is apparent by all the charitable items the guild has made to support our community.
As an executive member, I have had the opportunity to become better acquainted with many of you. There have been many new friendships created, tons of sewing tips shared, and this has provided me a wealth of life experience. We have all bonded even further by living through the COVID pandemic and our guild making many changes to adapt our meetings, and keep our guild going strong over these challenging years. Since we have adapted through the pandemic this has enabled us to keep sharing our interests and talents with our community through the love for quilting for many years to come.
At this time, I would like to thank our Executive team, Rennie, Janet, Marilyn, Nancy, Martha, and Betty, for their dedication and support. I could never have accomplished anything without a team like you and your great efforts. You are the backbone of the guild and you have brought forth great ideas and enthusiasm. In addition, a huge thanks to all the volunteer members who helped out at each meeting and with other programs, we would not have been able to offer all the activities without your help, your assistance is greatly appreciated. Last but not least, thanks to all our guild members who support our guild, have a wealth of talent to share, and proudly showing your beautiful quilts, which offers such great inspiration to us all.
Once again, I will say, I am a very proud member of our guild and I will continue to help out and mentor in any way I can going forward in the future.
June meetings are always enjoyable, so do plan to join us. It is great fun celebrating another successful guild season of learning, inspiration and friendships.
-- Vickie MacNabb, ADQG outgoing President
Thanks to those of you who have put forth ideas in the Suggestion Box for purchase of investments. We have discussed your ideas, they were all good ideas, and at this time the executive has agreed to purchase a portable design wall, an Accuquilt cutter with some dies (which will be available to use at Sew Days), and Brenda and her team will try to schedule some Shops of the Months next season.
Summer is almost here and all good things must come to an end. Besides change is always good, so I must hand over the President's position and let someone else have a chance to lead this great guild. Speaking of which, we are seeking a volunteer for future President. If you have been considering helping our guild, now is the time. Please let us know if you or you and a friend are willing to take on the president's position, We are also looking for someone who wants to get to know how the executive works to volunteer for the Secretary position, it is still available as well. There is an established executive to back you, the executive meetings are via Zoom (no extra travel), and the three winter months are Zoom (no traveling necessary during inclement weather). Just think you could be south in the winter and still attend the meetings and not miss a thing.
Please refer to our Guild Constitution and By-Laws and Executive Position Descriptions documents for more information about the President, and Secretary positions,
Business wise the banking is now all done electronically, membership has online registration, the web site is very well established, business is running smoothly, and we have a healthy budget to go forward into the next two seasons with. There aren't any real challenges at hand this season, so maybe it is a good time for you to take on one of our executive positions. If you would like to discuss these opportunities more please let me know by email
Looking back what wonderful terms I have had as part of the executive team, as Secretary, Charity/Vice-president, then President! It has been full of many great accomplishments and I have had the opportunity to learn a lot about the guild business, our community's charitable needs, and much more. Our guild is made up of genuine, caring, and generous members. Your generosity is apparent by all the charitable items the guild has made to support our community.
As an executive member, I have had the opportunity to become better acquainted with many of you. There have been many new friendships created, tons of sewing tips shared, and this has provided me a wealth of life experience. We have all bonded even further by living through the COVID pandemic and our guild making many changes to adapt our meetings, and keep our guild going strong over these challenging years. Since we have adapted through the pandemic this has enabled us to keep sharing our interests and talents with our community through the love for quilting for many years to come.
At this time, I would like to thank our Executive team, Rennie, Janet, Marilyn, Nancy, Martha, and Betty, for their dedication and support. I could never have accomplished anything without a team like you and your great efforts. You are the backbone of the guild and you have brought forth great ideas and enthusiasm. In addition, a huge thanks to all the volunteer members who helped out at each meeting and with other programs, we would not have been able to offer all the activities without your help, your assistance is greatly appreciated. Last but not least, thanks to all our guild members who support our guild, have a wealth of talent to share, and proudly showing your beautiful quilts, which offers such great inspiration to us all.
Once again, I will say, I am a very proud member of our guild and I will continue to help out and mentor in any way I can going forward in the future.
June meetings are always enjoyable, so do plan to join us. It is great fun celebrating another successful guild season of learning, inspiration and friendships.
-- Vickie MacNabb, ADQG outgoing President
June Guild Meeting
When? We hope you'll join us on Wednesday June 21 for our final meeting of the 2022-2023 guild year. The meeting begins at 7 PM with doors opening at 6:30 PM. Where? 257 John Street, Arnprior Ontario (Christian Education Centre) Parking is available on the nearby streets. Please do not park in the adjacent church parking lot. Win! The meeting will feature draws for door prizes and 2 Guess-the-Number of Pages library gifts, and tickets will be sold for draws of a basket of quilting goodies, and 50-50. And there will be a special draw for 2 free guild memberships for 2 lucky members who have renewed their membership for next year. See the Membership section below for more information about renewing your membership and the deadline to be eligible for the draw. Eat! There will be a yummy potluck dessert buffet and beverages. Bring:
We welcome visitors to our meetings for a $5 fee. The visitor fee is waived for our invited guests from the Renfrew and Area guild. Program
We have invited members of the Quilters Guild of Renfrew and Area to join us for this meeting and, fresh off of their recent quilt show, they'll present a trunk show.
We are also hosting book vendor Grantham Books as a visiting featured shop, offering used and publishers’ overstock books. Not the latest books, but used and new books at used book prices. Bert will be set up for 6:30, so you can browse and shop before the meeting, and later at break. Payment by cash, credit, cheque, and e-transfer (but not debit). |
We had 29 members attend the May 24th meeting and 5 guests.
Membership registration for the 2023-24 year is now in full swing and so far we have 27 completed memberships.
For those who are about to register, it is an easy two step process of submitting your Membership Form and paying the $30 fee.
Refer to the Join Our Guild page for details and to access the online Membership Form.
We are so excited to see our members having the combination of coming back in person in the fall and then using Zoom for January, February and March (those tough driving months).
Your interests are also being considered for workshops and speakers.
Early Bird Draw is on June 21st for two free memberships !!
Please ensure that you have submitted your Membership Form and e-transfer payments by 8 PM on Tuesday June 20 to be eligible for the free memberships draw. Cheques (or cash) can be brought to the June 21 meeting.
Thanks for registering as soon as possible!
-- Martha Palmer, Membership
Membership registration for the 2023-24 year is now in full swing and so far we have 27 completed memberships.
For those who are about to register, it is an easy two step process of submitting your Membership Form and paying the $30 fee.
Refer to the Join Our Guild page for details and to access the online Membership Form.
We are so excited to see our members having the combination of coming back in person in the fall and then using Zoom for January, February and March (those tough driving months).
Your interests are also being considered for workshops and speakers.
Early Bird Draw is on June 21st for two free memberships !!
Please ensure that you have submitted your Membership Form and e-transfer payments by 8 PM on Tuesday June 20 to be eligible for the free memberships draw. Cheques (or cash) can be brought to the June 21 meeting.
Thanks for registering as soon as possible!
-- Martha Palmer, Membership
Hello Everyone!
I am excited to be part of the guild executive team for the coming year and rest assured I will be busy this summer planning activities that our newbies and seasoned guild members will enjoy. Get ready to go down the rabbit hole of creativity.
Next year Liz Gray and Jan Smith will be looking after our raffle basket. I recently witnessed Liz in action, at a guild silent auction, shopping up a storm for our baskets!
Sew Days will once again be part of our guild year. I did not have the chance to attend any this year, however I look forward to getting to them next year. Perhaps you will join me for some appliqué. At the moment I am working on the Stonefields Quilt by Susan Smith.
In September the new guild year will kick off with Madonna Oliver of Paisley's Quilt Shop as our speaker AND Shop of the Month. If you saw Nicky Barham's "Country Bride Sampler" at the Guild Quilt Show you will have noticed Madonna's fabrics in her quilt. Stunning. Pictured below
I am excited to be part of the guild executive team for the coming year and rest assured I will be busy this summer planning activities that our newbies and seasoned guild members will enjoy. Get ready to go down the rabbit hole of creativity.
Next year Liz Gray and Jan Smith will be looking after our raffle basket. I recently witnessed Liz in action, at a guild silent auction, shopping up a storm for our baskets!
Sew Days will once again be part of our guild year. I did not have the chance to attend any this year, however I look forward to getting to them next year. Perhaps you will join me for some appliqué. At the moment I am working on the Stonefields Quilt by Susan Smith.
In September the new guild year will kick off with Madonna Oliver of Paisley's Quilt Shop as our speaker AND Shop of the Month. If you saw Nicky Barham's "Country Bride Sampler" at the Guild Quilt Show you will have noticed Madonna's fabrics in her quilt. Stunning. Pictured below
Our October activity is a trunk show by Carol Darou and Cathy Price. They make the most stunning quilts and this year Carol placed 1st in the 'Books and Patterns' category at Quilt Canada.
There will be a sign up sheet at our June meeting for teams to look after Block of the Month (BOM) and Shop of the Month.
Remember, we have a Suggestion Box that is available to you at every meeting. Please put forward your ideas and include your name, phone number or email should we have any questions re your idea. I will be keeping track of any program suggestions in my little blue book.
-- Brenda, Programs
There will be a sign up sheet at our June meeting for teams to look after Block of the Month (BOM) and Shop of the Month.
Remember, we have a Suggestion Box that is available to you at every meeting. Please put forward your ideas and include your name, phone number or email should we have any questions re your idea. I will be keeping track of any program suggestions in my little blue book.
-- Brenda, Programs
******* You can find information about our 2019, 2017 and 2015 quilt shows, including photos of all of the quilts, in Our Quilts *******
******* Photos of the 2023 show quilts will be added in due time! *******
******* Photos of the 2023 show quilts will be added in due time! *******
Tote-me-Tote Bag Workshop

The first part of this workshop to make this diamond quilted front and back bag was on May 18th and the second/final session a week later on May 25th.
We look forward to seeing the completed bags at our June meeting Show and Tell.
Looks like the participants were having a grand time!
Thank you to the executive volunteers who have committed to join, or stay on the executive team.
Treasurer: Rennie Hickey Program: Brenda Davidson Payer Charity: Marilyn Erskine Librarian: Nancy Haley Membership: Martha Palmer Communications: Janet Brownlee Past President: Vickie MacNabb And YOUR NAME could be here too! President: ??? Secretary: ??? |
Library News
Finally, some rain (maybe too much?) and these days are meant for quilting! I never seem to run out of ideas for projects – sometimes my “ideas” pile up and then it becomes a challenge of what to do next. With our Guild year nearly over, we’ll have a couple of months of quilting for Show-and-Tell in September. I can’t wait to see!
I went to the Quilters Guild of Renfrew and Area's Quilt Show and it was wonderful…. Lots of great quilts and magnificent piecing and quilting! I bought 2 books from Grantham Books: “the quilter’s appliqué workshop” by Kevin Kosbab and “MODERN QUILT MAGIC” by Victoria Findlay Wolfe. I think you’ll find many, many tricks, techniques and projects that you will want to try.
I went to the Quilters Guild of Renfrew and Area's Quilt Show and it was wonderful…. Lots of great quilts and magnificent piecing and quilting! I bought 2 books from Grantham Books: “the quilter’s appliqué workshop” by Kevin Kosbab and “MODERN QUILT MAGIC” by Victoria Findlay Wolfe. I think you’ll find many, many tricks, techniques and projects that you will want to try.
This year, the Executive decided to let members borrow books for the summer months, returning them in the fall, as sometimes the time goes by so fast that you don’t get a chance to really try some of the quilts and projects. But please don’t forget them in September!!!! Don’t forget that we also have rulers, patterns and hand quilting stencils.
Our “Guess the Pages” will 2 books this month, so you’ll have to get your thinking caps on and “up” your guess! Good Luck!
See you next week,
-- Nancy
Our “Guess the Pages” will 2 books this month, so you’ll have to get your thinking caps on and “up” your guess! Good Luck!
See you next week,
-- Nancy
Tip: If you're wondering if a particular book is in our guild library collection, use this web site's Search to look for the book name or author, or any other text that's in the new Library Catalog document.
Our long time Guild member, Brenda Davidson Payer, submitted her quilt, Perfectly Imperfect to the Canadian Quilters’ Association National Juried Show in February 2023 and was accepted. This is quite a feat in itself, but then Brenda found out June 7/23 that she won First Prize in her category of Bed and Wall Quilts! So exciting and well deserved. I saw the quilt being worked on and am witness to the amount of work that went into the quilt.
The quilt is made of vintage Dresden Plate blocks that Brenda bought at a quilt show. She had them in her stash for quite a few years and finally decided to do something with them. In her Artist Statement of the quilt entry she said ”the imperfections of the vintage blocks disappeared when I attached them to modern fabric. A touch of chicken scratch embroidery led to an obsession and I had to fill each ” plate”! The plain wedges of the “plates” screamed for something and so began the search for sewing phrases” which I embroidered on the plain wedges.
The quilt was further enhanced by the machine quilting of Carol Darou.
The quilt was further enhanced by the machine quilting of Carol Darou.
Well done, Brenda!!
-- Rennie Hickey
-- Rennie Hickey
Canadian Made Quilts from the Second World War
This fascinating article is about quilts from the Second World War that tell the stories of the Canadian women who sewed them.
In 1992, in Esher Library southwest of London, England, Josephine Andrews and her mother, Christine, collected blankets to donate to Kurdish refugees of the Gulf War. Among the pile of donations, the two women discovered a patchwork quilt that stood out for its vibrant cornflower blue stitches, embroidery and floral patterned fabrics, as well as the remarkable cloth label inscribed by hand: “W. V. S. WINONA CIRCLE GRACE UNITED CHURCH GANANOQUE, ONT. CANADA.” Continue reading... |
CQA Quilt Along

SEA YOU IN NOVA SCOTIA QUILT ALONG was created for CQA/ACC by Dawn Piasta of Dewpoint Arts
Even if you didn't make the trip to Halifax for Quilt Canada 2023 in June you can still experience the delights of the east coast of Canada by quilting this project.
The five blocks and border are all now up so you can still jump aboard here for this seaside adventure!
-- Canadian Quilters' Association
Quilt Shows
Quilt shows have really ramped back up this spring and a few more are scheduled for this summer.
I try to track down any upcoming shows in Eastern Ontario, and when requested, I publish information about shows that are further afield.
Here's a list of the upcoming shows that I'm aware of.
See our Upcoming Quilt Shows page for more detailed information about the shows listed below.
I try to track down any upcoming shows in Eastern Ontario, and when requested, I publish information about shows that are further afield.
Here's a list of the upcoming shows that I'm aware of.
See our Upcoming Quilt Shows page for more detailed information about the shows listed below.
Location |
Dates |
Guild |
Smiths Falls ON |
July 7-8 |
Lanark County Quilters’ Guild |
Wellington ON |
July 8-9 |
Prince Edward County Quilters’ Guild |
London ON |
September 8-9 |
London Modern Quilt Guild |
- You can find the up-to-date quilt show information on our web site More... --> Resources --> Upcoming Quilt Shows
- If you know of any upcoming local shows that are not listed on our web site, please let us know
- Browse the CQA Events Calendar for information about quilting events across Canada by province, territory, or date.
-- Janet Brownlee, Communications
Thank you to Tina and Emma for rounding out our little Communications team again this year. Tina facilitates the guild Facebook page and group, and Emma is our talented guild photographer who got a great workout this year with so many in-person meetings and the quilt show.
Guild Facebook Group
Have you joined our guild members only Facebook Group yet? If not you are missing out on all the fun. This is a great way to get to know your fellow guild members, to ask questions, learn a new block, a new tip or trick. Last year we saw some lovely photos of the Charity Pick Up Sticks quilts being assembled and finished off, Blocks of the month, completed mini-maker cases from a workshop, and much more.
Tina is doing a fantastic job of monitoring and facilitating the activity in this group. Thank you Tina for this wonderful guild initiative!
Hope to see you there soon. Click/tap here to join the group now.
Tina is doing a fantastic job of monitoring and facilitating the activity in this group. Thank you Tina for this wonderful guild initiative!
Hope to see you there soon. Click/tap here to join the group now.
Contacting Guild Members
If you didn't pick up the list of guild members in the fall and you would like to get in contact with any fellow guild members - perhaps to ask about a pattern of a Show-and-Tell quilt, or follow up on something you hear at a guild meeting, or read in a newsletter, please send along an email message to the guild and we'll provide that person's email address and phone number to you. You can reach us at the guild email address or with the Contact Form. And participating fellow members can always be reached through the guild Facebook group. The member list is not circulated electronically in order to protect the privacy of your contact information online.
If you didn't pick up the list of guild members in the fall and you would like to get in contact with any fellow guild members - perhaps to ask about a pattern of a Show-and-Tell quilt, or follow up on something you hear at a guild meeting, or read in a newsletter, please send along an email message to the guild and we'll provide that person's email address and phone number to you. You can reach us at the guild email address or with the Contact Form. And participating fellow members can always be reached through the guild Facebook group. The member list is not circulated electronically in order to protect the privacy of your contact information online.
Thank you to our newsletter advertisers! Your support funds our Communications budget which includes the hosting of this web site. We are very grateful for this financial support. Our advertisers for this year are:
- Auntie Em's Scrapbooking & Quilting in Cornwall ON
- Bytowne Threads
- Paisleys Quilt Shop near Carp ON
- Quilters Curve quilt shop in Combermere ON
- Textile Traditions fabric shop in Almonte ON
- Sew Inspired quilt shop in Arnprior ON
- Watergirl Quilt Co quilt shop in Prescott ON
THANK YOU to Vickie, Brenda, Martha, Nancy, and Rennie for their guild updates, wonderful photos, and other exciting news this month.
Have a great summer and we'll see you in September!
-- Janet Brownlee, Communications & Newsletter Editor
Have a great summer and we'll see you in September!
-- Janet Brownlee, Communications & Newsletter Editor
Our next meeting is on September 27, 2023