Congratulations to Brenda Payer, a longtime member of our guild, and quilter extraordinaire for winning first place for handquilting at the International Plowing Match Quilt Show in Harriston, ON this summer. Here's Brenda and her beautiful quilt.
This is awesome and we are so proud of you Brenda. ![]() Today we launch our new web site! It introduces a new look, information about our upcoming 2016-2017 Quilt Guild programs and activities, and lots of information about our guild and our quilts. The organization of the information is a little different - I invite you to take some time to explore the site. Photos from our 2015-2016 Show-and-Tell are now available - see ACTIVITIES. A new feature is this BLOG. Watch this space for breaking information, including posts with photos from our guest presentations at our meetings. We'll also post the President's monthly messages on the blog so they will always be available for your future reference. The September 2016 newsletter is now available - you can also access it from the top right of the HOME page or under RESOURCES. The archived newsletters have not been completely moved over to this new site - this will be added over the coming weeks and accessible under RESOURCES. We'll be adding more bling to the site now that we have the basic information here. Watch for more visual pizzazz unfolding over the next little while. And we would love your feedback on this new site. Please contact us by email [email protected] - you can even write your message within the web site on the CONTACT page. Or let us know at our meetings. And if you notice any malfunctions - broken links - spelling errors, or anything else, please do let us know so they can be corrected. Now that we've launched the site, we're ready to add more information. We welcome your ideas for additional content. Enjoy! -- Janet Brownlee, Communications Welcome Back Returning and New Members!
How did it get to September already! It was a busy summer with quilt shows that I attended, shopping and actually making a couple of quilts! We travelled to Vancouver and the Sunshine Coast this summer and I brought back some goodies to share. I know a number of others have been traveling as well and I look forward to hearing the stories from everyone. We have a great year ahead with our quilt show in April 2017. We will be showing off the raffle quilt in September and the raffle tickets will be ready for October. When my husband and I were coming back from the Sunshine Coast, we were walking around Horseshoe Bay and wanted to go into a gift shop. Unfortunately it was closed, but my husband spotted a sign in the window for the Vancouver Modern Quilt Show that was happening that Saturday. What a great guy for mentioning that! Perfect, guess where we went on Saturday. This blog post illustrates how wonderful this show was. It includes a number of my favorite quilts, and you can see a few of my photos below. I would be remiss if I did not congratulate the Almonte Quilt Guild on their first quilt show this past summer. I ran into a few of our members there. Everyone I spoke to really enjoyed the show. Good job Almonte folks! As usual, I can't wait for show and tell, I finished a baby quilt this summer, baby is due any day now and the quilt is in the crib in Niagara. I do have a few other items for show and tell that I will share. My personal goal is to finish a few UFOs for the show next year. We still need a few people to sell tickets this year, grab a friend and you can chat and sell at the same time. It would be nice to have 3-4 people so that you can alternate, or have built in back up if you are traveling. If I have not received your Canada 150 quilt blocks yet, please bring them to the September meeting. May you have more forward stitches than reverse! Brigid Whitnall President |
December 2024