We had a marvelous end to our first full post-Covid guild year with an action packed meeting on June 21st. The meeting was well attended by many of our guild members, the visiting members of the Quilters Guild of Renfrew and Area, and several other guests. Books! We welcomed Bert of Grantham Books as a visiting featured shop and his extensive display of quilting books. We were all invited to come early to have a good chance to browse and purchase books...and browse and purchase we did! Trunk Show First on the official agenda of the evening was a trunk show by some of our visiting guests from the Quilters Guild of Renfrew and Area. They brought along some stunning quilts and entertained us with their very interesting stories. And yes this is our ADQG member Chris Gordon showing some of her work! Chris is a member of both guilds. Thank you Chris for organizing most enjoyable trunk show. Thank you to our guests from the Renfrew and Area guild for coming to our meeting and especially to those who treated us to an excellent trunk show. Social The meeting featured a lengthy break for our yummy dessert buffet, a close up look at the trunk show quilts, more book browsing and buying, and some very social time. Show and Tell There were still more quilts to see at our regular Show and Tell. But it wasn't so "regular" after all as Brenda Davidson Payer showed us her amazing "Perfectly Imperfect" quilt freshly back from Quilt Canada, the 2023 Canadian Quilters' Association (CQA) national juried show in Halifax. Brenda was awarded first prize in the Traditional - Wall and Bed Quilt category. You can read more about it here on the CQA web site. Congratulations Brenda! Well done! We're super excited that Brenda has volunteered to be our incoming guild Program executive so we'll be hearing lots from her over the next couple of years. And after all of our work to complete projects for our quilt show, we were treated to a pleasantly surprising array of other stunning new quilts in Show and Tell. These included the Tote-Me-Tote bags from our May workshop. A Little Business During the short business part of the meeting, Nancy announced that we could keep out library books over the summer this year, provided that we return them in September. ![]() We were delighted when Anne Cruickshank and Joyce Murray stepped forward to announce that they are taking on the roles of co-presidents! Anne has previously been president (twice!) and Joyce has served in multiple executive and organizational capacities, so we are very well positioned for next year, and very grateful that they are volunteering for this crucial role. And they didn't waste any time in getting started as Anne announced a Summer 2023 Presidents' Challenge to make a bag (any pattern, any size) and bring it to the September guild meeting. And the Tote-Me-Tote bags are NOT eligible! This was also our night to thank outgoing president Vickie for her excellent leadership for the past 2 years, including leading the committee for our recent very successful quilt show. All very well done Vickie, and very much appreciated. Draws
The meeting wrapped up with our draws and some happy winners! Guess the Number of Pages in the 2 library books - Jane W Gift Basket - Joanna V 50-50 Draw of $57 - Nancy Door Prizes - Diane A, Shirley F, Tina M, Allison K Free 2023-2024 Guild Memberships - Brenda G, Shirley F Thank You! A huge thank you goes out to everyone who brought the desserts, and to Joyce T and Wendy FB for doing kitchen duty - setting out the food and cleaning up afterwards. -- Janet Brownlee Comments are closed.
December 2024